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The Top Southeast Cities to Retire In Thumbnail

The Top Southeast Cities to Retire In

Choosing where you would like to live during retirement can be a challenge. Such things as cost of living, tax factors, things to do, climate, overall happiness of residents, economy, and proximity of family should all be considered when finding the perfect retirement city. So where should you retire? Check out our list of the top 12 top southeast retirement cities. And wherever you decide to retire, Oasis Wealth Planning Advisors is eager to help you achieve your financial goals. We currently serve clients in Tennessee, Georgia, Florida, and Alabama.

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What’s the Impact of the SECURE Act  Thumbnail

What’s the Impact of the SECURE Act

While the SECURE Act did not provide sweeping tax reform, there are a few provisions in this 2019 year-end tax legislation that you should understand. From moving the Required Minimum Distribution age to age 72 to making the “stretch” IRA a bit less elastic, you should revisit your plan to determine the impact to your situation.

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