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What is Asset Allocation Thumbnail

What is Asset Allocation

Asset Allocation is the process of dividing a portfolio’s assets into investment classes based on the investment objectives of the investor. While this concept is fundamental to building a portfolio for the short- and long-term, there are alternative approaches to get there. Are you or your advisors adhering to the optimal approach?

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Stay Healthy and Wealthy in Retirement Thumbnail

Stay Healthy and Wealthy in Retirement

When it comes to staying healthy and wealthy in retirement, it takes a multi-pronged approach, including reviewing your health insurance options, using a H.S.A. strategically, and staying active. Also, don’t fail to plan ahead for the phases of retirement – taking action before a crisis hits is important.

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The Best Retirement Communities in the Southeast Thumbnail

The Best Retirement Communities in the Southeast

There are plenty of options for 55+ communities in the Southeast. One of the most important things to remember is to focus on what is important to you whether that might be playing golf, hiking, fishing, shopping, or getting involved in groups/activities. And of course, location is very important too. The 55+ years are what many refer to as “the best years of your life” so choose a place that promotes whatever your definition of “the best years of your life” is.

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Is Nashville A Good Place To Retire? Thumbnail

Is Nashville A Good Place To Retire?

Middle Tennessee area has much to offer and is a solid place to retire. With its recent growth and popularity, it’s an exciting time to move to Nashville as you can grow with the city. Whether you want to live in the middle of a major metropolitan city, in a comfortable suburban community, on a beautiful country estate amongst lush green hills, or on the banks of Old Hickory, the Nashville area offers it all. As a retiree, you will have plenty of alternatives to explore, grow, and play. I fully recommend that you keep Nashville, Tennessee in mind when looking for a place to call home for your glorious retirement years.

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