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Designing an Ideal Retirement: Leisure (Podcast Episode 6) thumbnail

Designing an Ideal Retirement: Leisure (Podcast Episode 6)

This podcast episode of The Retirement Oasis suggests that planning your ideal retirement includes focusing on one aspect of inner well-being, “Leisure or Play”. While the ideal retirement does not involve all Leisure, it is nevertheless a huge part of one’s retirement. There are tips and tricks to make the most out of your leisure opportunities.

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Playing Catch-Up with Your 401k or IRA Thumbnail

Playing Catch-Up with Your 401k or IRA

If you are over age 50 and unsure about your ability to meet your retirement goals, there is still time to take action to meet those goals. The IRS allows special catch-up contributions that most individuals do not take advantage of – do not lose out on this gift from Congress.

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