#15 - Health Savings Account Powerplay
Do you want to kick Uncle Sam in the groin? A Health Savings Account may indeed offer you that opportunity. Learn the pros and cons of a Health Savings Account and the nuances of implementing this strategy.
Do you want to kick Uncle Sam in the groin? A Health Savings Account may indeed offer you that opportunity. Learn the pros and cons of a Health Savings Account and the nuances of implementing this strategy.
Paying down your mortgage as you approach or reach retirement may provide peace of mind and financial benefits. Or, it could potentially cost you tens of thousands of dollars if you accelerate the payments. What is the best approach of carrying a mortgage in retirement for your situation?
Like learning curling, deciding the optimal claiming age for Social Security may seem easy from afar. Once you get into the details, it can indeed be more complicated – and consequential.
Looking to reduce income taxes? In this episode of a top retirement podcast (The Retirement Oasis), the hosts explore basic tax planning concepts and a high-level overview of select tax planning strategies leading up to retirement.
Determining when and whether to retire involves knowing your number - what size of investment portfolio do you need to retire? The details matter.